WeLaR > Work package > WP5: Labour market institutions and risks

WP5: Labour market institutions and risks

WP5 Leader: UNIPG
Partners involved: KU Leuven, LISER, IBS, wiiw, ZSI, UNIPG, ZEW, OSE

WP5 has a specific goal of analysing the impact of megatrends on labour supply and labour demand, specifically in relation to the matching mechanisms and outcomes. This analysis will explore how these mechanisms and outcomes are moderated by institutional and policy settings related to labour and product markets, as well as welfare state systems. Additionally, the WP aims to identify which institutional and policy settings are associated with specific probabilities, including the likelihood of flowing in and out of various employment statuses, such as employed, unemployed, or out of the labour force. Another area of focus is the likelihood of flowing in and out of low-quality jobs, such as those in the low-wage segment, underemployment, or jobs that are only partially covered by the social security system, such as atypical employment. By exploring these factors, WP5 aims to provide insights into the impact of megatrends on labour markets and how institutional and policy settings can moderate these impacts.

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