WeLaR > Work package > WP8: Stakeholder engagement

WP8: Stakeholder engagement

WP8 Leader: ZSI
Partners involved: KU Leuven, LISER, IBS, wiiw, ZSI, UNIPG, ZEW, Aldgate, EKOF, OSE

The goal of this work package is to maximise the relevance and impact of the WeLaR project and to engage, involve, and gather insights from a community of stakeholders at various levels.

WP8 will develop a stakeholder engagement framework and strategy that will enable the development of project discourse. A series of workshops, webinars and open virtual cafés will be organised to familiarise stakeholders with the project framework.

The workshops will focus on the following topics:

  • Labour market supply: what policies can encourage labour market participation and ensure that no one is left behind?
  • Labour market demand: economic and social risks;
  • Matching labour supply and demand: the role of regulations, unions and income support policies;
  • Adapting welfare states to new challenges while ensuring their long-run financial sustainability;
  • Foresight workshop.
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