WeLaR > Work package > WP9: Dissemination and communication

WP9: Dissemination and communication

WP9 Leader: Aldgate
Partners involved: KU Leuven, LISER, IBS, wiiw, ZSI, UNIPG, ZEW, EKOF, OSE

This work package aims to raise awareness of the project and its results among policy makers, researchers, stakeholders, the general public and the media. The main objectives are to ensure effective communication and sharing of results between partners and dissemination of research results within the European research community.

Experts, media, employers and citizens will have access to project results through the WeLaR project website. In addition, a series of events and conferences will be organised, and key members of the WeLaR scientific community and stakeholders will be invited to participate in the debate. Project-related news and important information will be posted on the website and social media.

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